Not much to say about the race really, it wasn't all that exciting for me. Coming into the race I'd been dealing with some nagging pain in my foot and had managed to only run twice this week (though I put a significant amount of time in on the bike). Having only one prior experience on Barr Trail, I knew that I was not going to be doing anything special. Realistically 2:10 would have been something to shoot for, but I had splits in my head for 2 flat.
As I've mentioned, climbing is probably the worst aspect of my running "abilities" and I was just planning on surviving the climb to perhaps make some noise if I was around 1:15 on the ascent. Ultimately I thought that I would need to just chill out and keep everything in check for 3ish miles before the grade eases up. I did just that, and was god knows how many places deep by the time we saw any dirt. Being a big race, I was bottled up behind a ton of guys and the pace was so slow I could walk and still keep pace with the pack.
At the top of the W's I was well off the pace I had hoped to be at (was thinking 12-13 min/mile) and stupidly tried to make up for lost time which brought my heart rate wildly high and I really just became lazy from then on to the top, walking a bit and cruising the flats I should have hammered. I was 13 minutes over my goal ascent time and I had lost any desire to kill the downhill so I just tried to find an acceptable pace to get home in a decent time. I settled in right around 7:20 miles on the drop which was actually pretty pedestrian, it felt like the pace I was running was right about what I was splitting at Sun Mountain.

(How'd that guy beat me up the hill?)
You coming back down for PPA or PPM?
GZ- Not this year, I'm gonna be up in Leadville pacing my friend Leila for the 100. The PPM is on the list of things to do, but I think some broad just getting better is in order before I make an attempt. I think I'd be lucky to break 5 hrs right now (which just sounds like a bad race). Perhaps next year if I don't lose my mind and enter the LT100.
Congrats on a great time btw, who's the sandbagger now?
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