Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Success and Failure

Success! I made the arbitrary goal of human powered summits of Green Mountain despite a bunch of sparse months through the middle of the year.  It's easiest to get in a groove in bad weather months because the direct route is mostly clear and runnable, but the dry weather brings out the fun stuff on the other parts of the hill.

Failure.  Poor job on the reading front, though as with running it took a back seat in the late summer and fall when life didn't permit it.  Off to a decent start in 2014, and I'll try to get all the way to 12 this year, just have to stay on top of it.  Enjoyed Semi Rad's new book.

The best book I read in 2013 was A Coffin for Dimitrios though I enjoyed the other Noir novels in the queue.  Franny and Zooey was a re-read, so I can't count that really, but it's Salinger goodness.  I've got a good lineup of Noir for 2014 (Xmas gifts from the wife) as well as Nick Offerman's book.  I also need to read a few classics that I'm embarrassed not to have read.

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